18ct Rose Gold South Sea Pearl Autore Earrings


Our 18ct Rose Gold South Sea Pearl Autore Earrings 10.50-11.mm Round White would look beautiful in any ears.

In countless cultures around the world, the pearl has its own origin myth. Arabs believed these gems were the result of the tears of the gods, fallen into the ocean and making their way into the oysters. The Greeks believed that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, shed pearls for tears.

Even the Gates of Heaven were described as carved out of pearl in the Bible. Krishna, the Hindu god gave his beloved wife pearls when they were wed.

Ever since the first pearl was found gleaming inside a shell, pearls have been both coveted and treasured by humans the world over. Originally, the only pearls to be had were natural wild pearls cultivated by oysters and mussels themselves over the years. Throughout history, pearls were greatly desired gemstones by royalty, merchants, explorers and traders.

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18ct Rose Gold South Sea Pearl Autore Earrings
18ct Rose Gold South Sea Pearl Autore Earrings